Halloween Costume- |
萬聖夜的由來 早在西元前數世紀,凱爾特人(Celts)會在10/31慶祝一個名為「 Samhain 」的節日。 因為在十月底,活人世界跟死人世界之間的界線會變得模糊,因此死人的靈魂很容易進入活人的世界。 跟我們農曆七月開鬼門的傳說很相似,演變到現在就是萬聖節 。在10/31萬聖節當晚特意奇裝異服,遊行驅鬼,小孩子則忙著挨家挨戶要糖果,說句「 Trick or treat 」 (給糖吃,不然就搗蛋 )~ | Halloween is coming, haven’t figured out what to dress up as yet? The origin of Halloween As early as centuries BC, the Celts would celebrate a festival called "Samhain" on October 31. Because at the end of October, the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead will become blurred, so the souls of the dead can easily enter the world of the living. This is very similar to our legend of opening the ghost door in the seventh month of the lunar calendar. It has evolved into Halloween now. On the Halloween night of 10/31, we specially dress up in fancy clothes and parade to drive away ghosts. Children are busy asking for candy from door to door, saying "Trick or treat" (give candy, otherwise you will be trick-or-treating). |
1.Gothic Gorgeous
黑色蕾絲網紗是此風格的重點!以透膚黑紗搭配黑色亮片曳地長裙能啟發你的華麗高級感浪漫萬聖節裝扮! 氣場十足的暗黑中毒唇妝搭+骷顱頭項鍊或戒指,塗上黑色調深沉的水晶指甲 ,呈現華麗優雅、浪漫而神秘的女王氣勢!
2.Witch Different Dimension 女巫異次元風格
巫師帽、大披風、 黑色羽毛、蜘蛛網或恐怖電影奇特造型結構呈現超自然神祕重要的元素,布料選擇亮面燈芯絨或縲縈材質呈現低調質感,在誇張的奇特剪裁結構中又能展現女性柔美曲線輕盈感。
3.Dracula Rock
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